Sunday, 11 April 2010

Found this site

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Change 2010 - Forums and Website...

Change 2010

Launched for this Election only, for the first time, a public only forum for the Change 2010 Election. We are NOT Tory, We are NOT Labour, We are NOT ANY political party. We want to hear what you have to say about the parties.

Go directly to the Forums and sign up and start talking and posting.

I will take it upon myself to direct everything posted to the party it is directed at.

Health Care Reform

As someone who currently lives in the UK, and with a public Health care system, all I can say is, good luck USA, because we have the worst system on the planet, and it fails all the time to provide the type of care required.

You just need to look at the numbers, we have worse numbers for breast cancer, yet we have 1/5 of your population.

We have worse numbers for caner in general, again, 1/5 of your population.

We have Doctors, well I think this is more an education problem than anything else, who will not give out drugs because it will not help you live longer.

We have limits on what drugs you can get, because it is not cost worthy. If it only gives you an average of 6 months more, its not worth it, Die Quicker...

Thats the system you want? Good luck....

Health Care Reform...

I just found - Great site for getting information about Health Care

Websites - Health Care Websites

The following Websites are being developed for you to find the information that you desire...